Monday, January 19, 2009

Well, in that case...

William Kristol's reliably horrible column in today's New York Times offers a retrospective of Bush's presidency and a reflection on what we can expect from Barack Obama. Besides praising Bush's unwavering support for Israel, Kristol insists that George Bush won the Iraq War for us, yet again declining to define victory. The most painful thing to read in the entire column is Kristol's commentary on the costs of our two recent wars. This is his attempt to feel for the humanity of George W.:

Last Wednesday afternoon, in the midst of all the other activities of the final week of an administration, Bush had 40 or so families of fallen soldiers to the White House. The staff had set aside up to two hours. Bush, a man who normally keeps to schedule, spent over four hours meeting in small groups with the family members of those who had fallen in battle.
Poor President Bush is so busy packing his bags to get the fuck out, but he still found the time to spend two extra hours with the grieving parents and widows of the Iraq War. Is this supposed to be some modicum of atonement for all the death and suffering caused in this unnecessary war? Is this visit supposed to convince us all that we're actually better off for having gone into Iraq? If so, it is woefully inadequate.

Kristol warns the incoming president about the burdens and costs incumbent on a war president, but he doesn't convey that all of those hardships befall Obama solely because of his predecessor's ineptitude. Despite the efforts of Kristol and a team of other revisionists, I can't imagine that history will be anything other than spectacularly harsh to President Bush.

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